Monday, June 11, 2007


First of all I want to wish Ali a happy happy happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!

I do not want to go to school... its on Thursday CEU always starts school on a thursday. J started school on the 4th. still i dont feel lucky going to school on the 14th. I got TWO whole days to savor my vacation before it ends hahaha It's been all good I've going out more often lately to buy school stuff and along the way we stop over coffee bean and burger king!! i've gone skating and watched shrek 3 and pirates of the carribean 3 in the cinema, bought like the FULL season of Grey's Anatomy 3, House season 3 and Heroes for like only $2.oo EACH so i'm really relaxed and happy right now and going to school will just ruin it hahaha

oh yeah and good luck to everyone who's taking an exam =)
