Pressure! Pressure and Pressure! " Okay Sarah clam down. It's only a matter of organizing... "
okay lately there's been alot of pressure and lack of SLEEP!!!.. there 's super duper as in over to the max to the mega over ALOT of things to do and im not superwomen! Okay therethis school mag with ppl i do not know their profile but in "i dont know and i dont care" haf to figure it out and type them its due on Saturday i mean in 2 days!!!! so i end up make up the whole thing its not my fault that they didnt write their proile! then computer report its moving slowly but at least its moving but we haf to get it done by tuesday.. only if i knew it was due on TUESDAY! and not on the feb 3rd i wuld haf done it before hand! and computer 'o' level project haf been starting on it and is now STUCK! and there's been xtra classes n practicles in the afternoon and all just want to drop dead right now! its lyk going to school every day form 7:30am to 3:30pm and i havent been eating really properly.. right now im just half dead