Sunday, February 19, 2006


To really know what you want to do in life or take up a carrier, there are 3 E's that you really need to think about.
1st E - Excitement.... You need to get excited on what you are doing. You got to love it. Have the passion..
2nd E - Energy... You must have the energy to do the job... You can do your job 24-7 and still not feel tired. Loosing track of time because your enjoying what you are doing.
3rd E - Economy.. You don't mind doing it for free.... It's not all about the money.

just attended a seminar and it's sort of a personality test... I found out that I happen to be a peace maker and I have the potential of a world or the whole universe but I don't really use it 100% and to achieve that potential I need someone to PUSH me. As Ian said I'm like a rubber band. It got the stretching ability.. It can stretch but it can not stretch by itself.. Someone need to stretch it and therefore it became a useful tool... So basically right now I'm useless. LOL right now I just need to find out what I'm good at and need someone to push me into getting in to it. Get it? Anyways.. I also found out that I like taking things slowly (which is true) and I'm afraid of going through changes. This explain why I'm so freak out about going back to the Phils because there are going to be a lot of changes in my life. Ian advice me to take it slow, I'll get used to it at some point and just be careful and be observant.