Tuesday, July 31, 2007

coach danny

Training has been ouch ouch and ouch!!! Just the warm is killing me! We have to do sit ups’, push ups’ and other hard exercise that tone your whole body.. my abs hurts a lot! I cant even laugh or cough. I felt like I just enter military school hahaha. Then 8 times sprint 50m.. 15 laps high knee run..then we were suppose to do the pyramid 2 sets but we only did one. the pyramid is sprint 100m, walk from the finishing line to the starting line of the 200m when you reach the start of 200m run 200m.. walk 400m after400m run 400m whhaattt??? it was so tiring!!! plus its so bloody HOT!!! i turned darker! i didnt have sun block on.. hope i dont get skin cancer. anyways despite all that.. I really have a fun time bonding and getting to know other athlets =)



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