Wednesday, November 15, 2006

quizes quizes

sigh am here at the net AGAIN!! Everyday my assignment requires research from the net... and everyday there is always quizes ..... I've realize that even if you basically understand everything in the book... it's not enough... basically the prof wants memorizing and doesnt care if you understand them.. yup word by word you miss a word, you miss a point.. I'm kindda wiped out this second sem... its like the first few week of my form 5... I couldnt cope at first.. I couldnt stand waking up early and going home late in the afternoon.. it seems like you dont have time for anything anymore... but i know i'll get used to this stuff.. terror prof and dependent classmates.. It stinks sometimes but its not THAT bad, there could be worst.. =) since when am i optimistic? I have to go study now..


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