its so not fair that my mom has connections which means that my mom will be the first one to know my results!!! I could not even.. know tell her myself in my own time and place, say it really really fast so she dont gets it and sugar coat it if its really that bad! BUT NO!!! she gets to know it before anyone else and if its that bad OMG!! she will have time to think of ways to torture me slowly and whats worst she could caught me off by suprise and me unprepared!...
taking the exam is half bad but knowing the results is WORST.. results are so unpredictable and thats what i hate about it! I mean it can go either way; good or bad! and there's a 50-50 chance.
right now i feel like flying back to the phils not knowing abt my results and screw the year book interactive! I bet alison is enjoying her holiday in austalia right now!! anyways i'm not going anywhere (at the moment) so all i haf to do is to face the bull by its horn. i have to complete the bloody YBI and its currently 3am and i'm currently working at it (guess I am not going to sleep) and the results... my only plan is O.V. !!! (Sangs its not what your thinking!!) It's saying "Oh Vell!!!" i mean ive tried my best and put in all my effort on it and whatever the results are, that is it and there's nothing i can do about it so yeah.
i remember the first time i told anyone that i was the EIC for the school YBI and it's aaron C. we were eating at pasar cause we haf a meeting to go to after dinner and we stayed back. when i first told him, he went "Okay it's official people!!!! your yearbook will be PINK!!!" plus i thought its going to be "fun". you know i haf the autority and stuff (to make the whole thing PINK!) and when i was working with the YBI i hardly see any pink colour on it. I didnt know i was taking this 'thing' so seriously!!! i used to remember when sangs was EIC and that i always have to calm her down. i always taught that i was the relax one. the one who says oh vell if we screwed up. now im like obsess with this YBI. I AM NOT A PERFECTIONIST and i think im beginning to be like one. It's like doing my computer project for the GCSE all over again. well at least that i have like 5-6 months. this YBI, I got like a MONTH to work with it! so yeah its going to be a miracle! I'll be needing alot of miracles right now!!
alpha program went great.. finally met tony, one of aubrey's friend and he's the overall task force leader. Uri, being Uri whisper to me "Sarah you that every mafia there's a tony in it" and i went "yeah. so..??" and he reply "maybe tony is in a mafia or something.. i mean look at him. he's using all black!" then aubrey said "Sarah you dont mind tony taking you and your sis home?". "nope not at all" As I was getting in Tony's car, Uri went, "Sarah I better not see you in the newspaper tommorow morning!" I have no idea why i always haf to shut up for him. I mean there's alot of things i haf that i can use agaisnt him. for example: i'm sitting in the car with tony and instead of saying "tony you know what? Uri thinks your in a mafia" I shut-up and talk about school! that's only one example; i have alot more!! I am so nice...
anyways i haf to get back to YBI plus i'll be needing more coffee...
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