Saturday, January 22, 2005

Bishop Cornelius

Today was Bishop Cornelius Sim Ordination and we "ALF dancer I believe (honey soundtract)" danced AGAIN! yeah we danced the same dance 100% the same step and costume but some of the dancer are missing and was been replaced for example Ivy Tiongco who is now in the philippines (misshu) who does the balley part is now done by Jasmine Ursia and the one who fill in Jasmine part was Ivee Blanco , Jet is in the Phils for holiday (he's getting me something :) from the phils, havent been there for almost 2 years already!) Ivan was suposed to fill in his part but unfourtunetly he got chicken pox at the last min :( (get well soon <3) color="#9999ff">Jasmine Nain i met her during the 4ohr famine last year at st. john and she was super friendly that we became friends even though she's all the way in Seria and im here in Bandar... yeah and i thnk the Bishop was impressed with our dance and when we all take pictures with the two bishop and when i get to be blessed by the newly elected Bishop said " hi Sarah how are you, well done" he remember my name!!! hahaha thats because he read my letter "why should we be confirmed" during the confirmation mass on the homily...yup that was mine that he read back then and i havent told this to anyone :p... and the other bishop said " great preformance" and the kids were lyk "Ate Sarah!!!!" screamng and running towards me... that was angela and ferddie they're so cute.. they were lyk " i want your bandana" but unfourtunetly i cant give it to them (who knows im going to used it again) but they still haf they're smile on, they're so understanding! and yeah while i was dancing ahm.. Jobeth was lyk waving and screaming "ate sarah, ate sarah" i wanted to wave back but i cant im in the middle of my danced so yeah but i waved at her before we bowed so she was happy... yeah and i think that was it. i had a great time, was VERY nervose before we danced but when i heard the song it goes "they said you wouldn't make it so far aa and every scince they said that its been hard but never mind that night'cha had to cry 'cause you had never let it go inside you worked will hard and you knowed excactly what you want and need so believe and you can never give up You can reach your goals just talk to your soul" i felt confident and just do my best.. no hesitation, just danced! and smile :) no mistake! after that i went home and watched DM Sevilla one more chance yeah i watch phillppines tele series online and i cried the story was just so touching my sis was lyk looking at me and said "what happen to you?" hahaha yeah and thats it

I was so as in super tired that after i went home from practical i went home and sleep i want to thank Sangee <3 <3 who waited with me on the bus stop, she doesnt want to leave me alone because there was some freaking group of guys that dont really look friendly so she waited with me until my bus arrived.... then i got practice for the dance at kim's house near PDS IS and we keep practicing over and over again until we got it perfect.. and during break ahm.. Neil, Aaron, Kim, Anjo, Mae and I played basketball... it was fun i mean i get to score! haha i can played only with players who are not rough! and gives you chance to shoot :) :P i just hope mae's okay cause she injured herself while playing basketball.... after that we haf to practise again and again and again untill we're all so tired we went home at 9:45....


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