Friday, July 30, 2004

Now a days i keep on forgeting stuff lyk my physics homework on thursday, i haf no idea where i put my choir lyrics for the gala night, now i forgot where i put my qustionare ah....lyrics borrow from abigail qustionare borrow from d'nise there just hope will not forget to bring my physics homeork yeah today was well boring lyk every friday and sunday nothin' to do at home but today i end up studying my physics without anybody telling that i haf  to thats how bored and jobless i was oh well tommorow is Saturday got homework??? chat just now wif alison she wants to borrow my physics homework so that means i haf to get up early tommorow to go to school whats the point in borrowing my books to her if i came to school late plus i never let a friend down even if it was to do  wif homework just hope sangs will not caught me borrowing my book to ali coz she said "I think everyone should stop doing thier homework in school and stop copying someone's work that's just so unfair for some people (i think she's refering to herself) who do thier homeworks at home" Oh well thats just her and sad to say im not her so yeah but i do not copy my homework or do it in school i just like doing it home more concetration and music hahahaha but im also cool with ppl who do their work in school mayB there's just a reason behind all that so yeah...well got to go to bed tommorow will wake up early.....


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